Lynda E. Boose

Academic Appointments

Professor of English


HB 6032


  • B.A. University of New Mexico
  • M.A. University of California at Los Angeles
  • Ph.D. University of California at Los Angeles

Selected Publications

  • Shakespeare, the Movie: Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV, and Video , edited with R Burt, (reprinted in Korean, 2002, in English and Japanese, 2005).

  • “Let it be Hid: The Pornographic Aesthetic of Shakespeare’s Othello ,” in Women, Violence, and English Renaissance Literature , L Woodbridge and S Beehler (eds.), (2003).

  • “Crossing the River Drina: Bosnian Rape Camps and Serb Cultural Memory” in SIGNS , M Hirsch and V Smith (eds.), (2002).

  • “The 1599 Bishop’s Ban and Renaissance Pornography” in Enclosure Acts in Early Modern England , R Burt and R Archer (eds.), (1994).

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Works In Progress

Turn and Re-turn of the Shrew: Shakespeare, the “Shrew,” and Historical Construction