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My fields of specialization are American literature, especially early American studies, women's literature and culture, and feminist studies. I also work in digital humanities and public humanities. I am the editor of the Occom Circle, a digital edition of works by and about Samson Occom, an 18th century Mohegan Indian writer and activist,, and co-producer of a full-length documentary film It's Criminal: A Tale of Prison and Privilege,, based on the courses I co-taught in and about jails. In 2018, I blogged weekly about the year 1862 in the creative life of Emily Dickinson,, and in 2019, I co-edited a collection of essays in honor of the Occom Circle titled Afterlives of Indigenous Archives. In 2020, I worked with three colleagueds to co-creae a public humanities website with pedagogical materials about 19th century women writers and domesticity titled "Home Works." Currently, I am working on another pedagogical public humanities project titled "Other Selves: Cross-Racial Friendship as Anti-Racist Practice."
"Sex, Gender, and Seduction in Early American Literature." The Blackwell Companion to American Literature. vol. 1. Eds. Susan Belasco, Theresa Strouth Gaul, Linck Johnson, and Michael Soto, 2020.
"Reading Puritan Masculinity through Trans Theory." Gender in American Literature and Culture. Eds. Jean M. Lutes and Jennifer Travis. Cambridge University Press, 2021: 66-81.
"Radical Unlearning: What Emily Dickinson Teaches US about Teaching." Bulletin of The Emily Dickinson International Society, vol. 32, 2 (NovDec 2020): 12-15.
"Friendship as Civic Democratic Practice" LA Review of Books April 2017
"Who Doesn't Love a Wall?" LA Review of Books, July 2017
Graduate Seminar: "Shakespeare and Dickinson at the White Heat," Queen Mary University London, Fall 2021.
Graduate Seminar: "Politics and Pain of Women's Cross-Racial Friendships," Interdisciplinary Center for Gender, Difference and Diversity at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, June 2022.
Within Flesh: Talking Skin with Emily Dickinson, a collection of orginal poetry prompted by and responding to Dickinson, co-authored with Al Salehi
New Croton Review, Fall 2022 “Bekah in Middle School,” “Impossible” [now “Dream”], “That Means”
Tikkun, “Against Sleepwalking”
Ritualwell, “Prayer for the Broken”