Ivy Schweitzer

Academic Appointments
  • Professor emerita of English and Creative Writing

  • Women's, Gender and Sexuality Program

My fields of specialization are American literature, especially early American studies, women's literature and culture, and feminist studies. I also work in digital humanities and public humanities. I am the editor of the Occom Circle, a digital edition of works by and about Samson Occom, an 18th century Mohegan Indian writer and activist, https://www.dartmouth.edu/~occom/, and co-producer of a full-length documentary film  It's Criminal: A Tale of Prison and Privilege, https://www.facebook.com/ItIsCriminal/, based on the courses I co-taught in and about jails. In 2018, I blogged weekly about the year 1862 in the creative life of Emily Dickinson, https://journeys.dartmouth.edu/whiteheat/, and in 2019, I co-edited a collection of essays in honor of the Occom Circle titled Afterlives of Indigenous Archives. In 2020, I worked with three colleagueds to co-creae a public humanities website with pedagogical materials about 19th century women writers and domesticity titled "Home Works." Currently, I am working on another pedagogical public humanities project titled "Other Selves: Cross-Racial Friendship as Anti-Racist Practice."

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646-2930/802 649-2947
Sanborn, Room 217


  • B.A. State University of New York at Buffalo
  • M.A. Brandeis University
  • Ph.D. Brandeis University

Selected Publications

  • "Sex, Gender, and Seduction in Early American Literature." The Blackwell Companion to American Literature. vol. 1. Eds. Susan Belasco, Theresa Strouth Gaul, Linck Johnson, and Michael Soto, 2020.

  • "Reading Puritan Masculinity through Trans Theory." Gender in American Literature and Culture. Eds. Jean M. Lutes and Jennifer Travis. Cambridge University Press, 2021: 66-81.

  • "Radical Unlearning: What Emily Dickinson Teaches US about Teaching." Bulletin of The Emily Dickinson International Society, vol. 32, 2 (NovDec 2020): 12-15.

  • Op-Eds

    "Friendship as Civic Democratic Practice" LA Review of Books April 2017
    "Who Doesn't Love a Wall?" LA Review of Books, July 2017

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Speaking Engagements

Graduate Seminar: "Shakespeare and Dickinson at the White Heat," Queen Mary University London, Fall 2021.

Graduate Seminar: "Politics and Pain of Women's Cross-Racial Friendships," Interdisciplinary Center for Gender, Difference and Diversity at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, June 2022.

Works In Progress

Within Flesh: Talking Skin with Emily Dickinson, a collection of orginal poetry prompted by and responding to Dickinson, co-authored with Al Salehi


Recent Publications

New Croton Review, Fall 2022 “Bekah in Middle School,” “Impossible” [now “Dream”], “That Means” https://review.crotonarts.org/

Tikkun, “Against Sleepwalking” https://www.tikkun.org/against-sleepwalking/   

Ritualwell, “Prayer for the Broken” https://ritualwell.org/ritual/prayer-for-the-broken/