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The exhibition Deus Ex Homine was designed and organized by students in a Fall 2019 class taught by Professor Christie Harner. The class, titled "God, Darwin, & the Literary Imagination," focused on themes that emerged from debates about evolution and religion in nineteenth-century British culture: Creation and Design, Selection and Extinction, Heredity and Development, Time and Progress, and Human/Animal. Students drew inspiration from the course material to agree on the theme for this exhibition: Deus Ex Homine, "god out of humans," or the role that we play in creating our own religious and scientific narratives. The projects in the exhibition ask you to consider the complex roles that we as humans play in constructing scientific theories, literary and visual works, and religious discourses. We ask you to join us in thinking of yourself as a creator in an ongoing dialogue – a conversation that includes scientific texts, religious doctrine and belief, and cultural products, including museum exhibitions like this one.
For more information on the class English 52.16, please visit https://english.dartmouth.edu/undergraduate/courses/course-group-ii-literature-mid-17th-century-19th-century.
For more information on the exhibit at the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, please visit https://www.fairbanksmuseum.org/blog/deus-ex-homine/.
To read student Abbi Fralick's blog post about the course, please visit https://admissions.dartmouth.edu/follow/blog/abbi-fralick/museum-openings-and-social-impact.