Indigenous Archives in the Digital Age

The Occom Circle seeks to collect, preserve, and enhance the accessibility of Indigenous archival materials. In celebration of its official launch, an international group of scholars, librarians, activists, storytellers, and digital humanities practitioners will explore how digital archives can serve Indigenous communities and reconfigure history and culture. This symposium will include two plenary panels, a keynote address, a roundtable, exhibits of digital projects, and guided tours of the Orozco and Hovey Murals.

Sponsored by the Society of Early Americanists, the Dartmouth College Conference Fund, the Program in Native American Studies, the Leslie Center for the Humanities, and the Friends of the Dartmouth College Library.

Dartmouth College
September 9-10, 2016
Free and open to the public. Some events require registration.

For more information:


Thursday-Friday Sept 8-9: Arrival

Ongoing public exhibits of Occom materials in Baker/Berry and Rauner Libraries

Occom and Wheelock archives in Rauner Library: Rauner is open Thursday and Friday (but closed Saturday). For more information, go to

Friday, Sept. 9

1-2 pm: registration and coffee, 41 Haldeman Lobby

2-2:15 pm: Welcome Ceremony: The Co-Organizers, 41 Haldeman

Donna Moody, (Abenaki) Department of Anthropology, U of Massachusetts, Amherst

John Moody, The Winter Center for Indigenous Traditions, Hanover, NH

2:15-3:30: Panel 1: “Translating the Tangible to the Digital Archive: Problems and Practices for Physical Indigenous Sources.” 41 Haldeman

Chair: Josh Bartlett, (PhD candidate, English, SUNY Albany)

Stephanie Fitzgerald (Associate Professor English and Indigenous Studies, University of Kansas),

Alyssa Reichardt (PhD candidate, History, Yale University)

Marie Balsley Taylor (PhD candidate, English, Purdue University)

Respondent: Hilary Wyss, (Hargis Professor of American Literature, Auburn University)

3:45-5:00 Plenary Session 1

Chair: Morgan Swan (Special Collections Education and Outreach Librarian, Dartmouth)

Jennifer O’ Neal (Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, University Historian and Archivist, Instructor, Native Studies Program, University of Oregon), “From Time Immemorial: Centering Indigenous Traditional Knowledge in the Archival Paradigm”

Gordon Henry (White Earth Chippewa, Professor of English, Michigan State University), “Oblique Subjects: Overwriting Tribal Skins, Re-curating Native Archives”

Angela Calcaterra (Assistant Professor of English, University of North Texas), “Hearing, Seeing, Talking, and Flying: Occom’s Call for Multimodality”

Respondent: Melanie Taylor (Associate Professor and Chair of Native American Studies, Dartmouth)

5:15-6:30 Tour of the Orozco Murals, basement of Baker Library, with Mary Coffey (Professor and Chair of Art History, Dartmouth).

For readings about the Orozco and Hovey Murals, go to We recommend the introduction and the essays by Mary Coffey and Melanie Taylor.

6:30-8:30 p.m.: Reception, hosted by Native American Studies at Dartmouth, Dartmouth Outing Club House on Occom Pond (a short walk from Baker-Berry Library)

Saturday, September 10

8-9am Coffee, 41 Haldeman lobby

9:00-10:30 Plenary Session 2, 41 Haldeman

Chair: Alyssa Mt. Pleasant (Assistant Professor, Transnational Studies, SUNY Buffalo)

Ellen Cushman (Cherokee, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion, Northeastern University), “Decolonizing the Imperialist Archive: Translating Cherokee Manuscripts”

Damian Baca (Assistant Professor of English and Modern Languages, University of Arizona)

Jason Lewis (Professor of Computation Arts at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec), “Amazed Forgetting: Systems as Territories”

Respondent: Philip Round (John C. Gerber Professor of English, University of Iowa)

10:45-Noon Roundtable: “Reconceptualizing Indigenous Archives: Histories, Resistances, Transitions”

Chair: Jay Satterfield, (Rauner Special Collections Librarian, Dartmouth College)

Kelly Wisecup (Assistant Professor, English, Northwestern)

Patricia Marroquin Norby (director of the McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies, Chicago, IL)

Christine de Lucia (Assistant Professor, History, Mt Holyoke)

Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel (Medicine Woman and historian, Mohegan Tribe)

12:00-1:00 Lunch, Russo Gallery and Patio, Haldeman

1:15-2:30 Panel 2: Archives and Communities: Indigenous Writing and Literacy Networks in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Canada, Haldeman 41

Chair: Ridie Ghezzi (Head, Research and Instruction Services, Baker-Berry Library, Dartmouth)

Thomas Peace (Huron University College), “From Samson Occom to Sawatanen & Peter Jones: The Promise of Digital Archives in Challenging Intellectual, National, and Historiographical Borders”

Alan Corbiere (M’Chigeeng First Nation), “The Audio of Text: Moving between ObsoleteOrthography to Digital Recordings”

Susan Glover (Laurentian University), “Sharing Tipâcimôwin: Paper, Provenance, and Possession”

2:45-4:00 Tour of the Hovey Murals,  Class of 1953 Commons, (meet in lobby) with Kathy Hart (Senior Curator of Collections and Barbara C. and Harvey P. Hood 1981 Curator of Academic Programming, Hood Museum, Dartmouth College).

For readings about the Orozco and Hovey Murals, go to We recommend the introduction and the essays by Mary Coffey and Melanie Taylor.

4:15 Reception hosted by the Leslie Center for the Humanities at Dartmouth, Carson Lobby

4:30-6:30 p.m.: Digital Poster Session. Carson 61

Chair: Scott Millspaugh (Instructional Designer, Dartmouth)

The Occom Circle: Ivy Schweitzer (Professor of English and Editor of The Occom Circle), Laura Braunstein (Digital Humanities and English Librarian)

The Yale Indian Papers Project, Paul Grant-Costa (Executive Editor), Tobias Glaza (Assistant Executive Editor)

Digital Atlas of Native American Intellectual Traditions at Amherst College, Mike Kelly (Librarian, Amherst College) and Kelcy Shepard (Digital Public Library of America)

ECDA at Northeastern University, Elizabeth Maddock Dillon (Professor and Chair of English, Co-director of NULab for Texts, Maps and Networks, Northeastern University)

Martin Chambi: Out of the Archive and Into the Streets, Silvia Spitta (Professor and Chair, Spanish and Portuguese, Dartmouth College)

Story Telling Project, JoRee LaFrance (Crow), Dartmouth ‘17

6:45-9 p.m.: Dinner and Keynote address, Sanborn Library, Sanborn House

Chair: Bruce Duthu (The Frank J. Guarini Associate Dean of the Faculty for International Studies & Interdisciplinary Programs, and Samson Occom Professor of Native American Studies at Dartmouth)

Tim Powell (Director of Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) at the American Philosophical Society; University of Pennsylvania)

Rick Hill (Director of the Deyohaha:ge: Indigenous Knowledge Center at Six Nations Polytechnic in Ontario, CA)